The older I get the more I find myself appreciating the little things around me. 
Its the people and not the stuff that make my days full.  

Welcome to
The Older I Get

This site/blog is like my online journal. 
A place to share the things that I find
inspirational, interesting or just plain amusing.  

I hope you join me on my journey
I hope something I say or do provides you
with a little of what it provides me.  

Welcome to my website and to
Getting Older Every Day!

Life – it never stops. It never gives you a break. It never keeps moving. But the older I get the more I understand that even though life is moving pretty fast you have the power to STOP.

Stop and look around.

Because if you don’t take the time to see what is right in front of you, you could miss it!

I am writing this blog / web site / journal of my life, my days as a way to accomplish various things in my life. Like the title says, I am Getting Older Every Day. I find that the older I get the more life starts to come into perspective. I see so many things and I feel so much more than I did when I was younger and so this is my way of sharing. I welcome you to join me on my journey. Maybe something I see, say, do or spark in you will help you or give you some sort of inspiration. To me that would be AMAZING! The fact that something I do can help someone is something I am realizing more and more is something that fills my heart. It really does help.

So, even though the original purpose of this thing I am doing is somewhat selfish and self serving I do hope it finds some of you out there and that it does truly help you.

You will find that my mind jumps around a bit and I have various thoughts and interests that grab me at different times. This site is a reflection of that. I will try to create some pages, some categories to give the place a little bit of organization. I think I am afflicted with a cluttered version of OCD. I like my stuff to be set out in an organized way but my organization doesn’t always look organized. But I KNOW where things are and I KNOW how they should sit on my desk or in my cupboard and the same happens in the shelves in my mind. So hopefully you can find what you need but sometimes the best things that happen in our day are those unexpected twists and turns that lead us to new things we never knew we needed or wanted. So flip around a little and see if you trip over anything that grabs you.

As Truman from the Truman Show says, “In case I don’t see you… Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night”!


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